Volvo Insurance Scheme
Insurance products designed to protect your assets and minimise your exposure.
Plant & Equipment
Protecting your Plant and Construction Equipment
Five years ago, RBWIB embarked on a journey with Volvo Financial Services to create an insurance product that would redefine protection for the plant and construction equipment sector.
We understood the risks that clients working in the engineering and mining industry face, and had to ensure we present a solution that provides sufficient cover to protect their assets and addresses their concerns. We went to market and presented a product that we believe to be the most comprehensive in the market.
The policy covers the insured on an “All Risks” basis for the loss of damage to the insured’s plant and equipment whilst in use on site, in transit or being stored. Cover can be extended to include hired in plant, continuing hire charges and public liability when used as a tool of trade.
We will always provide advice that is sound and in the client's best interest. For more information on this product, please refer to the brochure below. ​
Insurance Scheme
Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Based on the success of the Volvo Construction Equipment scheme, we were asked to offer a product that caters for Volvo Trucks.
Considering the unique risks and challenges that the heavy commercial vehicle (HCV) industry faces, they required an insurance product that provides comprehensive cover and optional benefits tailored to suit the needs of truck owners today. Truck overloading, vehicle maintenance, driver fatigue and distracted driving are only some of the challenges fleet owners faces, as well as a need for more focus on driver wellness.
The HCV product offers unique benefits that will keep your business, vehicles and drivers in good health by incentivising drivers to drive well and assist fleet managers in running their business more efficiently and sustainably, while ensuring you get the cover you need to adequately protect your business.